Software and Law

Now in the 21st century, software controls or determines much of our lives.  We are interacting with software every time we use an ATM, go through a checkout, complete an online questionnaire, or pay for our parking.  Many home appliances are now ‘smart’ and in a few years we may be putting our trust in self…

Responses to post on ‘Quick Resolve’

I was presently surprised when my post on the scammers “Quick Resolve”, received a lot traffic in the comments. Here they are pasted from the original post along with any replies of mine if relevant. They all show the original posting dates. ————–40 responses to “Quick Resolve”Ivan BertiMarch 4, 2011I have just received a call…

The Format Painter

A little used feature of most Microsoft Office programs is the ‘Format Painter’ If you have a format for a heading or paragraph (Font, size, colour etc.) which you want to repeat in several other places in a document, or even a different document – the format painter makes it much easier. Change the first…

Windows Service Centre

The Fraudsters are at it again! I had a call yesterday from “Windows Service Centre” from a chap with an almost incomprehensible Asian accent.  This was not their first call to me and I  that they were an outfit similar to “Quick Resolve”.  I allowed the conversation to continue and pretended to be ignorant.  The usual…

Cloud Computing

What is it and what are the benefits? The ‘Cloud’ is this instance is the internet.  Since the very earliest microcomputers and then the PC’s; software has been stored and run on the desktop, and any data stored there as well.  With cloud computing the software is run from a server somewhere on the Internet…

Quick Resolve

Updated – for information on how to report fraud scroll to the bottom) A senior citizen couple whom I know were phoned the other day by a company called Quick Resolve; although initially they introduced themselves as ‘Windows Maintenance Department” or similar (see Phone Scam). They stated that my friends’ computer was infected with a virus;…


More Memory gives new lease of life. One problem which clients frequently complain of these days is a slow running PC.  On examination the situation is one of insufficient memory (RAM*). These are generally older PCs running Windows XP, which shipped with either 256MB or 512 MB of RAM.  This was adequate in the early…

Email Blacklists

A sledgehammer approach to the Spam problem Spam or unsolicited email is an ongoing problem for Internet users.  However, there is one solution to the problem which causes much grief to ordinary and innocent users.  These are the various ant-spam blacklists used by many ISPs and other organisations or businesses who run mail-servers. Innocent Users…