Why I find Spammers endearing!

It is messages like the one below which endear me to spammers, the language is so wonderfully awful!  I have visions of an enthusiastic cyber-criminal in some far flung corner of the globe, sitting with a biro in one hand and a language dictionary in the other, trying to compose the perfect hoax email.  Read on:

Security measures against impairment of the safety information
Leads us to a further improvement of the system soon.
To your account information secure and up to date, we have Intervals verified your identity.
Please go immediately and at the end of this process.
To confirm, please download the attached form by e-mail and fill it.
If this is not completed, we will be forced to suspend your account
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Thank you.

All rights reserved. Copyright   2013 PayPal Inc.

This reminds me of previous encounters where things had been “Lost in Translation”; such as the set of instructions translated from Japanese.  Or just as amusing; sitting in a French café looking at the back of the menu where there is information about the establishment in several languages.  One suspects that the proprietor’s daughter had done English at the Lycée, and he employed her to save money.  I particular remember premises being described as ‘Climatised’, when they meant ‘air conditioned’.  The French term of course being ’climatisée’.

The good news I suppose is that as long as the spammers keep on making mistakes we will spot them.

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